Studio,art and crafts,artwork,white washed walls,concrete flooring,seating,stove,
This Country house has lots of arts and crafts all around the home.
In the kitchen is an Aga cooker with plenty of countertop space.
Upstairs sits the bedrooms under a slanted ceiling.
The kid’s bedroom have lovely blankets as curtain dividers and a fun hammock.
The en-suite bathroom has a free-standing bathtub and a gorgeous sink on top of a storage unit.
All image in the gallery
Open plan kitchen,dining room table,mixed chairs,tiling,views,lighting,timber door,table setting
Open plan kitchen detail of timber door with kids artwork,signage,artwork
Open plan kitchen,island,timber ceiling,artwork,aga cooker,storage,tiling
Open plan kitchen,storage,aga cooker,countertop,island,srorage,tiling
Open plan kitchen detail od storage with glassware
Open plan kitchen,island,timber ceiling,artwork,aga cooker,storage,tiling
Open plan kitchen,storage,aga cooker,countertop,island,srorage,tiling
Open plan kitchen detail of marble countertop with wooden spoons
Open plan kitchen,storage,aga cooker,countertop,island,srorage,tiling
Open plan kitchen detail of house plant,island,storage
Open plan kitchen,island,timber ceiling,artwork,aga cooker,storage,tiling
Open plan kitchen,storage,aga cooker,countertop,island,srorage,tiling
Open plan kitchen detail of diningroom table setting,courtyard views,mixed chairs
Open plan kitchen detail of Cupboards with glass front, china,glassware
Open plan kitchen,storage,aga cooker,countertop,island,srorage,tiling
Open plan kitchen,island,sink area,window sill,house plant,artwork,countertops
Open plan kitchen Cupboards,tiling,chairs,artwork,doorway
Hallway,rug,artwork,lighting,side table,round table,open shelving,timber ceiling,
Hallway,rug,artwork,lighting,side table,round table
Living room,stove,fireplace,rug,timber flooring,mantle piece,couch,cushions,artwork,lighting,trunk coffee table
Living room,stove,fireplace,rug,timber flooring,mantle piece,couch,cushions,artwork,window sill
Living room,stove,fireplace,rug,timber flooring,mantle piece,couch,cushions,artwork,trunk coffee table,flowers
Living room detail of the cushion on a couch
Doorway through to the hallway,timber door,wallpapewr
Doorway through to the hallway,timber door,wallpapewr
Bathroom,sink, storage,window sill,tinber cladding,bathtub,open shelving,glassware,artwork
Bathroom,sink, storage,window sill,tinber cladding
Living room,stairs,artwork,rug,timber flooring,panio,trunk coffee table
Kids bedroom,timber flooring,hammock,blankets as curtains,wallpaper
Kids bedroom,slanted ceiling,skylight,wallpaper,hammock,doorway,storage,mirror
Kids bedroom,slanted ceiling,skylight,wallpaper,hammock,doorway,
Open plan kitchen
Bedroom,carpeting,doorway,timber cladding,chairs,ensuite bathroom,kids artwork
Bathroom detail of sink on a cabinet,marble top,mirror,faucet
Bathroom,bathtub,sink cabinet,faucet
Bedroom,carpeting,doorway,timber cladding,chairs,ensuite bathroom,kids artwork
Bedroom detail of side cabinet,artwork metail frame,open shelving
Bedroom,carpeting,slanted ceiling,metal frame,bed,chair,open shelving,skylight
Bedroom,carpeting,slanted ceiling,metal frame,bed,chair,open shelving,skylight
Exteriors of the coutyard with the front elevation of the house and studio,stone work,flowers,garden
Exteriors of the coutyard gable end view
Exteriors of the coutyard view to the country side
Exteriors of the coutyard and the front of the house,landscaping,swing,tree,flowers
Exteriors of the coutyard,front of the studio,tree,swing,tree,
Exteriors of the coutyard
Studio,art and crafts,artwork,white washed walls,concrete flooring,seating
Studio,art and crafts,artwork,white washed walls,concrete flooring,seating,stove,
Studio detail of pottery in the window sill
Studio detail of pottery in the window sill
Studio detail of pottery on a chair